Black-headed Ibis -Threskiornis melanocephalus
March 05, 2020
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Black-headed Ibis -Threskiornis melanocephalus
The black-headed ibis or Oriental white ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus) is a species of wading bird of the ibis family
Sexes alike. White plumage; naked black head; long, curved black bill; blood-red patches seen on underwing and flanks in flight. Breeding: long plumes over neck; some slaty-grey in wings. Young: head and neck feathered; only face and patch around eye naked. Gregarious; feeds with storks, spoonbills, egrets and other ibises; moves actively in water, the long, curved bill held partly open and head partly submerged as the bird probes the nutrient-rich mud.
marshes; riversides.
frogs, insects, fish, molluscs, algal matter
Distribution: breeds in the South- and Southeast Asia from India to the west and as far east as Japan.
resident; local migrant; subcontinent, from terai south.breeds in the South- and Southeast Asia from India to the west and as far east as Japan.
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